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Educational Monitoring

Educational monitoring

Educational monitoring is the core mission of the union! We represent all students at Sahlgrenska academy and work to improve the quality of education and the work environment for all students.

No-one has the time to do everything, but everybody can do something and the simplest thing you, as an individual, can do is to answer the course polls at the end of each course. You can also get involved as a course representative in your educational council or take on assignment as a student representative in different branches of the academy and the university. The student union represents all students by Sahlgrenska academy and as a member you support our work and can get involved to lobby for what you think is especially important!

The educational council’s mission is to monitor the education in their respective programs. You can turn to your educational council if you have noticed issues in your education, or you have suggestions of improvements. Representatives from the educational councils participate in meetings with the management of the program and thus have a good insight into what is going on and power to lobby issues within the academy. Each educational council has support from the union in their work.

Contact your educational council if you have questions, issues or want to actively participate in making your education better. All students at the education that the council represents, have participatory rights and rights of expression at the councils meetings.

Educational councils

The student representatives are elected by the unions Council and represent the students in different preparatory and decision making authorities at all levels within Sahlgrenska academy. It’s usually the members of the educational council that hold the positions as student representatives of their respective program and at their institution. In högskolelagen 2 chapter § 7 it says “The students have a right to be represented when decisions are made or preparations take place that have significance for the education or the students’ situation”. It is also regulated by law that only student unions have the right to elect student representatives. To be a student representative is incredibly educational, fun and a very good merit.

Get in touch with your educational council or the Union board if you want to know more about student representation, get involved as a student representative, or contact a specific student representative. You can also find more information on Studentportalen.

Go to the student portal

Believe it or not, the world is bigger than Sahlgrenska academy! Therefore, SAKS collaborates with other unions and union organizations.

Göteborgs universitets studentkårer (GUS) is an association of different student unions at Gothenburg University; Göta Studentkår, KonstKåren, and Sahlgrenska academy Student Union. Through GUS we can push for student issues that are relevant for all students at Gothenburg University

GUS Website

Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer (SFS) is a national association of student unions from all across Sweden and through SFS we can lobby for national students issues, regarding for example CSN and housing. There are also a number of other cooperations that tie together students in Gothenburg and Sweden

SFS Website

The opinion document is a summary of what opinions most students at Sahlgrenska academy hold regarding a number of areas. The opinion document is a guideline for our advocacy work. As a student representative you are expected to base your work on what is written in the opinion document. This to minimise swings in student opinions due to who is student representative. The opinion document is revised (updated) every year, and when that happens there is possibility to influence what is in the opinion document.

Here you find the current opinion document. Get in touch with your educational council to learn more!

Current documents

The University is run by a number of control documents on national and local level. As a monitor of education, or as a regular student, it’s good to be aware that these exist. On a national level the university is regulated by the Högskolelagen, Högskoleförordningen och Universitets- och högskolerådetsvregulations but there are also different laws and regulations that guide state universities, for example the Discrimination Act.


On a local level the educations are guided by GU’s own rules that regulate on a detailed level regarding for example the execution of examinations, the arrangement of syllabi, scheduling, information release, course evaluations, student influence and more. It is good to know that these exist and where they are.


SAKS’ own statute, policies and rules of procedure are available in the collection of documents under “About the Union”.

Contact details

Vice Chair Education
