Doktorandrådet (DoR)
The Doctoral Student Council DoR
The Doctoral Student Council (DoR) is the council for the PhD students at Sahlgrenska Academy, with the tasks to observe the quality of the third cycle studies and to work to improve the situation of doctoral students at the Academy.
The members of DoR are doctoral students from the different institutes of the Sahlgrenska Academy from which an elected working group serves as the presidium of the council. DoR’s meetings are open for all PhD students to participate in and we welcome more PhD students to get involved in DoR to impact the doctoral students’ situation and future.
DoR is basically always in need of new active members – the more people contributing, the more we can do! Are you interested in research, education, ethics, internationalization, the academy’s organization, leadership, work environment, communication or project planning? Please get in touch with us!
Chair: Axel Andersson
Vice chair: Emma Eckernäs
Treasurer: Mattias Erhardsson
Secretary: Emma Inganäs Söderlund
DoR’s meetings are open for all PhD students.
The dates and venue for the meetings during spring 2023 are the following:
- 26/1 15:00-17:00 at Medicinaregatan 13, 4th floor
7/3 15:00-17:00 in Jörgen Lehmann
19/4 15:00-17:00 in Jörgen Lehmann
30/5 15:00-17:00 at Medicinaregatan 13, 4th floor
DoR works to influence the situation of doctoral students by having representatives in the councils dealing with research education, such as the Council for Third-Cycle Studies (FUR), the Council for Research (FOR) and the Sahlgrenska Academy Faculty Board. DoR also has representatives in the
University of Gothenburg’s Doctoral Students Committee (GUDK) and the institute councils within the Sahlgrenska Academy. This enables us to be involved and have influence on multiple levels.
For several years, DoR has organized the PhD day which aims to increase collaboration and networking among the doctoral students at the Academy, and to support their future careers. Examples of other issues DoR has pursued are the survey on the PhD student’s work environment, employment from day one and the opportunity for teaching as part of the research education.
DO YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED? It is important that the voice of PhD students is heard at the Sahlgrenska Academy, and we wish more people to take part and make an impact. Doctoral students involved in the work and duties of DoR are granted compensation in form of extension days to their doctoral appointment, irrespective of how the doctoral position is financed (employed by GU or externally).
Being involved in DoR will give you valuable experiences of leadership and the academy’s organization, and an extensive network of PhD students, researchers and colleagues from the entire faculty.
DoR works to start and support doctoral student committees at each institute. Currently there are active doctoral student committees at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, the Institute of Medicine and the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology. To get in contact with the committee at your institute or for support to start a committee, please get in touch with DoR.
Register for vacant PhD representation positions
Leave your feedback for DoR here